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The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Oceania


Formed as The Archdiocese of the Southern Hemisphere (2015-2019).

Renamed The Metropolitan Archdiocese of Oceania (2019).

Headquartered in Australia and moved to New Zealand.

Suffragan Dioceses:

Cuba; New Zealand and The Philippines.

Sister Churches in the Province:

The Australian Church of Antioch; The Anglican Church International and The United Ecumenical Catholic Church.


Australia; Brazil; Hawaii; Kenya; South Africa; Tahiti; Tonga and Vanuatu.

Current Ordinary

Most Reverend Rima Tamaiparea-Puki (2019).

Former Ordinaries

Most Reverend David J Leet (2015-2019).

Active Bishops

Archbishop of Oceania; Abp Francis Bugge; Bishop of Cuba; Bishop of The Philippines; Bishop of New Zealand; Bp Therese McNamara and Abp Leonie Newman.

Emeritus Bishops

David Leet, Gordon Fraser and Ian Adrian

Vicars-General/Episcopal Vicars

Australia; Kenya; New Zealand and South Africa.

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